Saturday, February 14, 2009

Roller Coaster Ride

This is a quick synopsis, Karen will fill in the blanks later:

Today was probably one of the worst days yet. Yesterday he was doing great, today... they verified he needs heart surgery, but they are more concerned with the buildup of fluid in his brain. The canal that drains the spinal fluid from the brain is clogged and there is a buildup in the brain and is causing alot of damage. We saw the ultra sound of the brain today compared with last week and the size difference of the sacks were the fluid is, is much larger (Hydrocephalus...Karen will fill in).

He is on more IV's and they had to place a splint on his left arm to prevent him from moving too much.

This has been a very difficult day. The doctor said that the one week stay here is probably going to be at least 6 weeks now... if things get better.


  1. We love you 3 and are praying for you always.

  2. As soon as we are moved up to Oregon (hopefully by this Fri) we plan on coming up and visiting you for a couple of days. We are behind you three 100% and are praying for you daily.
