Friday, December 31, 2010

Dec 31, 2010

I skipped a Christmas letter all together this year but I do want to do a quick summary of 2010. January: had an early celebration of Abe's first birthday; we were not certain he would even make it this far. February: Glenn went left for training for 90 days, Abe hospitalized twice for respiratory infection. March: Women's retreat, Abe did great and enjoyed all the ladies. Thank you to those that helped me there. I got a break which was nice since I was still pretty sick with a cold myself. Stephanie started providing respite care. April: Grandma came to visit for Easter, Tacoma zoo and many ferry trips to Seattle. Abe finally learned to breastfeed at 14 months, 11 months adjusted age. Wow what an uphill battle that was but so worth it. May: Glenn came home for 4 weeks. He put down hard wood flooring, which we love. He did this while he was sick with a cold. We love the new flooring. June: Glenn's ship switched homeports to Diego Garcia. Abe hospitalized for respiratory infection and his surgery was canceled. July: very hot temperatures but we did enjoy the sunshine. Our favorite hang place: the mall because of the AC. We went to pick fresh raspberries in Sequim. Also went to the Lavender Festival with friends. August: Abe had surgery, did so well his admission was canceled so he got to come home that day. Abe's first airplane trip. We went to Arizona to visit my family. I selected this time of the year since I thought it was before cold and flu season. September: We got to visit with friends and family in Arizona, hospitalized for para influzena for 7 days at Phoenix Children's Hospital. San Diego trip was canceled since I also got sick. We really wanted to see all of you and get out of the Arizona heat. October: We went to our first pumpkin patch with friends. Abe was a doctor for Halloween, how fitting for a child with so many inpatient stays and medical appointments. November: Abe received his bath seat. He hated it at first but it is so much easier on the momma's back. We got snow before Thanksgiving. We added 2additional respite providers. We had Thanksgiving with friends who saw Abe his first couple of days of life. December: Abe has a respiratory infection and an ear infection but maintained his oxygen level, continued eating and drinking so he never had to be admitted. I had a few gallbladder attacks including one trip to ER before 6am. I toughed it out the first night for 6 hours but a few nights later it felt like my gallbladder was going to explode. It is super freaky when you can feel a mass in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen. I was in so much pain and I did not know why. I thought it was my gallbladder, but oh smokes, the pain is worst than kidney stones. Abe meant Santa at the EFM party, NICU party and a few other parties with friends. We spent Christmas Eve dinner with a friend and church service, Christmas morning with new friends. Glenn may get to come home for my surgery but not 100% sure. The cost of the ticket is all on us however I won't be able to lift Abe for awhile. He will be home for a short time only then back to Diego Garcia. We had planned to go to a friend’s house tonight but with the freezing temperatures and potential for icy roads we decided to stay home. So to sum it up 2010: 4 inpatient stays for Abe, Glenn was home January and May only, new flooring/ paint and a wall was knocked out, no more pumping unless Abe is sick and does not want to eat, 6 months of the deployment out of the way, started working Mary Kay again. Abe's milestones: 20 lbs 15 oz which is underweight but with 7 hospital stays in 19 months he deserves a little break, 33.3 inches tall. Army crawling, rolling, back to belly, belly to back, gets into thing he should not, he grabs stuff from the other side of the baby gate, can tolerate some regular food but not big on crackers, although he did eat some after he hang out with Logan and Nate, says momma, da, da, ding, ding, ding, hi sometimes, he claps on his on command and waves hi and bye sometimes. He is working on sitting up but is not strong enough. Unlike most 22 month, 19 month adjusted age, he does not feed, sit up or walk. He is also working on crawling with stomach off the floor but he struggles with this. He starts speech therapy in January. He loves DVD such as Veggie Tales and Baby Einstein. I really don't want him watching DVD or TV yet but it keeps him from crying while I scope the cat litter and take out the trash. He also watches a DVD of Daddy reading to him. So much for short, huh? Happy New Year 2011. We hope for no hospital admissions ever again for Abe. I will continue the blog probably month as my life is filled with many medical, dental and therapy appointments for Abraham, hopefully Glenn will put some more pictures on the blog since not everyone is on Face Book. Abe's birthday party will probably be January 30, 2011.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

No fat

My surgery is scheduled for January 2011 unless an emergency arises. So far been doing fine but so difficult to follow non/low fat diet at this time of the year. The chocolate cake at the Madigan NICU party was tempting but I skipped it, not worth the pain or having to have gallbladder surgery due to an infected organ. Glenn might get to come home but not 100% official. Honestly I think his job here at home caring for a breastfed baby that won't be able to for 3 days will be more difficult than what he is currently doing. I plan to ask Abe's doctor if I would need to wait 3 days post op to resume breastfeeding. The surgeon said I would need to pump and dump. Just when I thought my pumping days were over. I will give an update on this later. I could be wrong but when Abe gets mad he bangs his head into you and it hurts plus he crys and fusses. I am just hoping and praying to remind stable until the surgery. The pain was worse than kidney stones. The gallstone is 1.7 cm so is considered to be large. The recovery should be easy but lifting and bending restrictions so I would not be able to care for Abe after surgery. We are waiting to hear more from Glenn if everything is good to go. Abe is trying to sit up but can't make it. He does not fall over though but rather slowly lowers his body to the floor. He will start speech therapy in January and will continue PT, OT and therapy class. His sleep study was completely normal. I need to start a night time breastfeeding wean but not sure the timing is right. I need energy to get ready for surgery. Please pray that I remain stable, Abe stays healthy and Glenn makes home and back safely.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Prayer Request

All I can say is at least this did not happend while I was pregnant or when Abe has been in hospital
I have had 2 gallbladder attacks In 4 days. This included a 430am trip to ER by ambulance. The pain is currently controlled with non-fat and low-fat diet. The ultrasound revealed gallstones and a general surgery consult was placed. My appointment is today. This would be simple if Glenn were homebut the reality of military life is he is not. There is potential for emergency surgery but we are praying for it to be scheduled and a plan in place. So far I am working on a plan with the assistance of the Military Special Families Support Group, SBC and friends. I found a medical POA for Abe while I am in surgery in case he requires medical attention. Prayer request include: pain is controled with diet, gallbladder does not become infected, plan goes smoothly, Abe stays healthy and for Glenn to possibly be present to care for us. There will be diet, driving, and lifting restrictions after surgery.We get Abe's sleep study results today then my appointment. So a busy day. We probably won't be at Madigan NICU party this weekend.Thank you friends and family for caring for us

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Clap your hands, 22 months

Wow Abe is 22 months old now, can you believe it? Almost 2 years ago we were faced with decisions to continue CPR and keep life support on. Now we can't keep him in one place or from dropping stuff off the counter where his highchair is. He waves hi and bye and claps his hands. He even stopped breastfeeding because I told him to clap his hands. What a mean mommy. He is still breastfeeding so the pumping days are way over except during illness and hospitalizations. His last hospital stay was in Arizona in September. We are planning to keep him out of that place. He sees pulmonary this week to get the sleep study results. He is currently on antibiotics are an ear infection and I have was sick as well. He is doing well and mantained his eating, drinking and oxygen so he stayed at home. He will be starting speech therapy in January, should have been sooner but I don't think anyone wanted to modify his ISFP. I have asked repeatly when will he start speech therapy. His birthday party will be January 30 or the day before Super Bowl Sunday 2011, the 5th I think. He still wakes up all night but I will begin a breastfeeding night time wean soon. My plan is to continue to breast feed until May or maybe even longer. After all it took him 14 months to learn and it provides immune protection for him and decreases the breast cancer risk for me. I asked for a referal to the Madigan OB/GYN (would handle high risk pregnancies or other complex GYN things) I discuss the benefits/risks/recommendations for future children. Glenn does not come back for 6 months but they recommend the earlier the better. Glenn agrees that I should begin talking to them before he returns. Not sure I can mentally, physically, emotionally or spirtuality go through went I have already went thru and continue to go thru but every pregnancy is different and now they will return my calls and listen to my concerns. No firm decisions have been made in this area. We have no idea if I can even get pregnant as easliy as I did before or if I could carry to term. We ask for prayer for guidance for this. Glenn's skype name is abrahamgoodard and mine is lilnurse98 if anyone would like to skype. Not even sure if anyone follows this blog any more or not since most pictures are posted on facebook.